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Funding & Sponsoring Cancer Services for the People of West Clare

It is only with your help and support that we can continue our journey supporting cancer patients and their families ensuring no one has to face it alone.

Our services are available free of charge and all costs are met through voluntary donations and fundraising activities. We are very grateful for every donation we receive at West Clare Cancer Centre. Your donation will help another family on their cancer journey.

Go raibh maith agat.

How can you donate to the West Clare Cancer Centre?

We do not receive state or HSE funding. We rely on the support of our community, through our fundraisers who play a key role in raising awareness and generating much needed funds and individual donations from the many generous people who continue to support.

Every effort is hugely appreciated and goes a long way to ensuring we can continue to provide these invaluable services for those in need.

Electronic Transfer

You can donate directly to West Clare Cancer Centre by EFT. Call us on 065 9060762 or 087 2699184 to get our bank details.

Cheque, Postal Order or Bank Draft

Cheques can be made payable to West Clare Cancer Centre.

You can send your cheque to:

West Clare Cancer Centre
Corry Lane
Kilkee, County Clare
V15 FK03, Ireland

Donate Online

You can donate online via our iDonate page

We are so grateful to all those in the community who volunteer their energy and time organising fundraising events which support our work. Whether you have an idea for a fundraising event or if you would like to support any upcoming events, we would love to hear from you.

You can set up your own fundraising page online for West Clare Cancer Centre with:

West Clare Cancer Centre

Corry Lane
Kilkee, County Clare
Ireland V15 FK03
Phone: +353 65 9060762
Email: westclarecancercentre@gmail.com

Opening Hours: MO-FRI, 11am-2pm

charity number 18691

Privacy Policy & Data Protection

Make a Donation

How can you donate to the West Clare Cancer Centre?

Every effort is hugely appreciated and goes a long way to ensuring we can continue to provide invaluable services for those in need.

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Copyright West Clare Cancer Centre © 2024
Website Design by Artvaark Design