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Posted on: 20 June 2017

€349.55 donated to West Clare Mini Marathon Cancer Care Centre from ‘Coffee Dock’ fundraising initiative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sincere thanks to Patrick and all at Patrick Bourke Menswear for the fantastic sum of €349.55 donated to the West Clare Cancer Centre here in Kilkee, from the ‘Coffee Dock’ fundraising initiative launched in November of last year. The project is a marvellous idea, making local charities the beneficiaries of funds raised each month. Sincere thanks to you all!

West Clare Cancer Centre

Corry Lane
Kilkee, County Clare
Ireland V15 FK03
Phone: +353 65 9060762
Email: westclarecancercentre@gmail.com

Opening Hours: MO-FRI, 11am-2pm

charity number 18691

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