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Posted on: 28 August 2019

THE SUN SHONE IN ALL ITS SPLENOUR on the 14th July last, it’s radiance sparkling like diamonds on the waters of Carrigaholt, bathing the village in its dizzying July brilliance – a more perfect setting could not be imagined for the most illustrious event in Carrigaholts social calendar – the 7th Annual West Clare Tractor Run, and what a magnificent spectacle it turned out to be. From near and far they came, in memory of those gone before and for those currently on their respective journeys, the procession once again spearheaded by the inimitable Pats Hassett. The West Clare Tractor Run is many things, an annual event to raise monies for the continued provision of cancer care services for its inhabitants first and foremost, and an event that engenders great local pride and altruism. It is also a tribute to excellence, a reflection of marvellous community spirit and caring as demonstrated by Pats HassettMags KeaneMorrisseys Pub, Carrigaholt and everybody associated with the West Clare Tractor Run. 
As always, sincere thanks to you all!

West Clare Cancer Centre

Corry Lane
Kilkee, County Clare
Ireland V15 FK03
Phone: +353 65 9060762
Email: westclarecancercentre@gmail.com

Opening Hours: MO-FRI, 11am-2pm

charity number 18691

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